Suffolk Liberal Democrats select Justice campaigner as their Police & Crime Commissioner candidate.
Justice campaigner and former Parliamentary Candidate James Sandbach has been selected as the Liberal Democrats' candidate for the upcoming Police and Crime Commissioner election in Suffolk.
James has been involved in Suffolk politics for several years having been the Lib Dem Parliamentary candidate in Suffolk Coastal (2015 and 2017) and Central Suffolk and North Ipswich (2019). He lives in Saxmundham where he is Town Councillor.
Professionally, James has an active background in the voluntary sector, the justice system and the challenges it faces - over the past 15 years he has worked for leading national charities Citizens Advice, the Legal Action Group, and LawWorks (the solicitors pro bono group).
On the upcoming election, James said: - I am delighted to have been selected to be the Lib Dem PCC candidate for Suffolk. The PCC has an important role
in supporting our fantastic local police force, and ensuring the policing needs of all of Suffolk's communities are met.
Since I moved to Suffolk, I've been struck by the ever-diminishing emphasis on community policing - police numbers down, local stations closed, and the thin blue line stretched far too thinly. I strongly believe that when it comes to fighting crime, anti-social behaviour and low-level disorder, prevention and deterrence is always the best approach but to do that well there must be a strong bond between the police and local communities, accessibility, and a visible presence.

I'm looking forward to talking to communities across Suffolk about their concerns and my priority will be to fight for better funding and resources to support the police in the vital work they do in the community."